Project Description
Entry #2 Mr. Nutdanai Laicharpit

Mr. Nutdanai Laicharpit
Right now I am a Master’s student in civil engineering at Mahidol University. I started with the desire to find a miniature underwater world that mimics the natural environment. This let me to “Nature Aquarium” and the person named “Takashi Amano”. It made me think of my childhood days when I was playing in the paddy fields, ponds, and canals that were quite pristine back then. But now, things have changed and those places have been replaced by townhouses and developmental projects. Ever since that time, I still hold firm to the Nature Aquarium style because I believe the “Learn from nature, create nature” quote by Takashi Amano. Please follow my work and other Nature Aquarium style from me through my Facebook fanpage : NicDanai’s Nature Aquarium
The Thai version can be found here.

Let’s start with the tank. Nothing more to say because of the name aqu@mind because of its long-term reputation. The size is 45x30x30 cm
First step: Layout

For this competition, I emphasize the use of wood as usual. I relied as little as possible on artificial tools and held the wood in place by criss-crossing them instead.

I use branches and moss just like in Nature style. Nothing special.

I arranged the rocks, sprinkle some Multi-R and Substrex substrate additive followed by Green Base XR. All this to help enhance the fertility of the substrate and help the plants grow. Most importantly, they will extend the lifetime of your tank.

Next step, I use light-colored sand all around to increase the contrast.

Then I poured in the Black Earth soil on top of the base substrate that I laid down before. As for Black Earth, I have to honestly say that this is the first time I’ve used this soil. One thing that I saw and liked very much is the characteristics of the soil granules. It reduces breakdown and does not cloud the water.

The tank is finally planted. The plants I used are:
Rotala rotundifolia, Rotala rotundifolia “green”, Rotala macrandra “green”, Rotala vietnam, Cryptocoryne parva, Lilaeopsis brasiliensis, Glossostigma elatinoides, Microsorum trident, Bobitis heteroclite, Anubias dwarf, Java moss